1992年サントリーホール国際作曲委嘱シリーズにおいて初演された《Fiber of the Breath(息の綾)》(ナッセン指揮/NHK交響楽団)が音楽界の大きな話題となり、一躍その名を知られることとなった。
1993年、第3回芥川作曲賞、第3回出光音楽賞を受賞。以来、次々と委嘱を受け作品を発表している。1994年の京都市交響楽団委嘱作品《ゆららおりみだり Fractal Vision》で、第43回尾高賞を受賞。
1997年には、故・武満徹氏が長年企画構成に携わっていた、八ヶ岳高原音楽祭の音楽監督をつとめる。この他2003年H. W. ヘンツェのオペラ《午後の曳航》[日本語初演(読響主催)]の日本語版を監修し、2006年にはザルツブルク音楽祭、祝祭大劇場にて上演された。蘭このみスペイン舞踊公演「桜幻想」(音楽担当)、薬師寺「最勝会」復興上演(音楽監督「鼓音之楽」を作曲)及びNHK-FMのラジオドラマ「怪し野」(音楽担当)がそれぞれ第58回芸術祭大賞(舞踊部門と音楽部門それぞれにおいて)および優秀賞を受賞。2004年、イシハラホール開館10周年記念公演「三井の晩鐘」の音楽を担当。義太夫と現代音楽のコラボレーションが話題を呼び、同公演は第4回佐治敬三賞を受賞した。2005年、読売日本交響楽団委嘱作品《ここに慰めはない Hier ist kein Trost》で第54回尾高賞を、2013年神社本庁の委嘱で第62回伊勢神宮式年遷宮の奉祝曲として作曲した「交響詩「浄闇の祈り2673」」で、3度目となる第62回尾高賞を受賞。
Toshiro Saruya was born in 1960 in Tokyo. After studying the master course in law at Keio University in Tokyo, he went to the United States and studied composition and conducting at the Juilliard School of Music where he received his Master’s Degree as an honorary scholarship student.
He also studied with Hans Werner Henze and Oliver Knussen at the Tanglewood Music Festival as a composition fellow where he was awarded the Koussevitzky Music Foundation Fellowship in 1988.
In 1992, SARUYA participated in the Third Munich Biennale (International Festival for New Music Theater) under the artistic direction of Hans Werner Henze and received the BMW Theater Prize.
He was a young composer out of the unknown in Japan until his work for string orchestra, “Fiber of the Breath”, was given the world premiere at the concert introducing Henze’s “Three Spiritual Concertos” perfomed by Oliver Knussen and the NHK Symphony Orchestra in 1992 and in 1993, “Fiber of the Breath” brought him the 3rd Idemitsu Music Award and the 3rd Akutagawa Award for Music Composition and he won the commission from the Suntory Music Foundation.
In 1995, he received the 43rd Otaka Prize for his “Fractal Vision” written for the Kyoto Symphony Orchestra. The work commissioned by Suntory Music Foundation, “Mutual Recognition” was premiered by Kazuhiko Komatsu and the New Japan Philharmonic at Suntory Hall in 1995.
In 2003, he supervised the Japanese version of H. W. Henze’s opera ” Gogo No Eiko (Das verratene Meer)” which was premiered in Japanese by the Yomiuri Symphony Orchestra and then performed at the Salzburg Festival in 2006.
In 2005, he received the 54th Otaka Award for his work “Hier ist kein Trost,” commissioned by the Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, and in 2013, he received his third Otaka Award, for his symphonic poem “Prayer for the Sacred Darkness 2673.”
He was a nagivator of the radio program “Contemporary Music” on NHK FM from 2009 until 2015.
He now serves as Associate Professor at Osaka Kyoiku University
Review: https://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/14/arts/music/14musicrec.html